Friday, November 20, 2009

Confessions of a lonely heart

I fear that I am doomed to be alone. It's not that I'm a hideous chud or that I lack personality. It's because I believe in true love. I believe in complete and utterly confounding true beautiful meant to be together forever love. Then I hit the cement and crack my head open and realize that it hurts and the longer I hold on to the concept of this fantasy...the less likely I'll let someone who encompasses any piece of my dreams in.
You know that feeling of your first love? That absolutely positively no doubt going to be together forever feeling? That feeling that makes your heart flutter and your palms sweat? That vision of your future? The one that makes all other men disappear from your sight? Yea...I haven't felt that since I was 17. How is it that in 10 years I've managed to date my fair share of men and still be left unsatisfied? I don't want to be with my first love anymore...I've accepted that bridge and I've crossed it with grace. However, I want my innocence back. I want to be able to feel all those feelings again with someone different, with someone who will be my forever. I realize though, that I never will. Therefore, I'm doomed to be alone.

1 comment:

  1. OH my!!! I don't think you are doomed... and you may get that feeling again when you least expect it!
